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Filtering by Tag: zodiac

Links Loved <3

Alison Pegg



Will Shilling, Columbus Alive

The vortex of social media is strong, luring one to links all over the internet. Here’s a roundup of some of my favorite links I’ve ventured to this week.

Columbus Alive Columbus Cocktail Challenge For their bar guide issue, the folks at Columbus Alive challenged local mixologists to create a "Columbus-themed cocktail." I love that each of these libations highlights a different part of what we've come to define as Columbus. There's the VI-I-IV, named after a local mathematician and featuring Columbus' own Watershed Gin (Columbus is a smart city after all), The Franklin, paying homage to the crazy weather in our city, and The Buckeye, a drink playing off flavors of Columbus' favorite local chocolate candy.

Cocktails You Should Be Drinking Based on Your Zodiac Sign I love a good zodiac pair up and this one includes more drinking fun courtesy of Marie Claire. Ever wonder what cocktail you should be drinking based on your zodiac sign? #TeamGemini

How Refinery 29 built a $100 million media company for Millennial WomenRefinery 29 is a daily web and snapchat story destination for me, and this profile on how they've been able to connect millennial women and advertisers directly is fascinating. (We actually like brands!) Worth the listen.

Generate Your Own Minor League Baseball FranchiseThe El Monte Lake Oysters The Dayton Space Beagles

The name generator for this minor league baseball franchise name is hilarious. Needless to say, it's a great way to waste a few extra minutes here and there.

See all the Stylists Behind Beyonce's Lemonade She has a tour stylist, a street style stylist, an Ivy Park Stylist (and personal fashion director?) - and remarkably they kept all of this quiet before Lemonade’s first air. See the folks behind the fashion for Beyonce's buzzworthy Lemonade, fashion that plays just as much of a role in the album as the music.