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Things I loved on the internet this week: Vol. 2

Alison Pegg

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This has never been more true

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Oh January.

You start with the hope of a fresh start and some lofty New Year’s resolutions, and then the reality of the first week back at work hit, and well….yeah.

I saw the above post shared all over insta this week - doesn’t it just speak to us all?

In between surviving everything that came with week 1, here are some things I loved on the internet this week.

Starbucks has new drinks out for 2020 - and they’re not full of sugar. I might have to try an oat milk honey latte here pretty soon.

Speaking of plant-based milk, this story has me feeling pretty heartbroken over my almond milk chai tea lattes.

On a lighter note, Brad Pitt has been having a great week. My favourite part? When he told Leo he would have shared the raft.

The Golden Globes were kind of meh this year, and the fashion hits weren’t that great either. There were some pretty spectacular fashion misses though, expertly chronicled by my favorite fashion commentators, Tom & Lorenzo.

Speaking of movies, here are the most anticipated rom-coms of 2020. I already have Feb 12th pencilled in. #peterkavinsky

I love when old fogey institutions contribute to the cultural heritage, so this post by Merriam-Webster cracked me up. The power of the BTS Army is insane!

Wanderlust alert. The New York Times came out with their annual list of 52 Places to Go in 2020. So many dreamy destinations.

I’m not a big drinker to begin with, so I’m loving all of the Dry January recipes right now. This list of 7 non-alcoholic drinks to try looks delicious.

One of my favourite fashion retailers, who’s taste I adore, is out with Part 1 of their Spring Fashion Report. Count me as a fan of bored minimalism.

I loved when hockey stops taking itself so seriously, and this piece on the origins of BarDown is a great example of that.

Things I read on the internet this week: Vol. 1

Alison Pegg

Just like the randomness of my brain, the internet is filled with a never-ending amount of glorious random things.

Here are a few that caught my eye this week, that you might like.

Baby Yoda was impossible to miss during December, with everyone from NFL teams to stans using the lovable alien in just about everything. This tweet takes the cake for me - Spice Girls forever!

A new year brings new year-long horoscope predictions and this Gemini can’t get enough. I especially enjoyed this one from Wit & Delight, and this one from Mind Body Green (originally shared by Grace).

Loving this decade-end post from Sarah, one of my favourite bloggers/grammers.

As an adult addict of teen tv, I couldn’t help but identify with agree with this article on how adults are watching, sharing and respecting teen tv. Woo hoo!

Love seeing one of my favourite CBJ alumns, Wiz, coaching at my alma mater. Love even more that it’s for the women’s hockey team.

The Ringer’s cultural vertical has become a must-read for me, and this week I caught up on this piece, How Meghan Markle Woke Up the Royal Family.

I’ll always remember the screaming and jumping my sisters and I did when Sidney Crosby scored the golden goal in 2010. Of course, it tops this list of top hockey moments of the decade.

Speaking of Canada, following Justin Bieber’s crusade against Tim Horton’s lids was a hilarious highlight of my winter break. You really can’t take the Canada out of a Canadian….

From sweeping vistas to intimate moments, the power displayed in each of the AP’s Top 2019 photos is awe-inducing.

And finally, my favourite award show of the year is this Sunday, the Golden Globes. (I might have to bring back my mini-insta fashion reviews). Here’s a great preview of who will win, and who should win, in all the major categories.

2020 Intentions

Alison Pegg



Everything just sounds so serious and scary.

As we roll into this new year and the new decade, this January’s fresh start seems much calmer than year’s past. Gone are the ridiculously lofty ambitions, instead, setting intentions seems like the healthier thing to do.
So without much ado, here are some of my personal intentions for the year 2020.

  1. Wear more of my closet. While searching through my closet for a specific item last week, I happened upon a dress I completely forgot I owned. To my surprise (and delight) it fit, worked with the outfit I had styled in my head - overall a win-win situation. Since I’ll never be one of those minimalist, Marie Kondo-types when it comes to fashion, the least I can commit to this year is wearing more of my own closet.

  2. Sign up for a 5k! (But not a super popular one). In 2019 I finally discovered the mental benefits to exercise, turns out it’s just as good, if not better than a glass of red wine for stress. There’s something therapeutic about pounding the pavement outdoors - it’s both head-clearing and lung-clearing at the same time. And even though 75% of my outdoor activity is walking, I figure a 5k is just safe enough to celebrate my new commitment to (consistently) moving.

  3. Document more. This intention is probably accountability in disguise, but this commitment-phobic Gemini doesn’t use that word outside of the office. From fashion (see #1), to the outdoors, and everything in between, I want to share and remember more the things that bring me joy. Then maybe my #2020topnine won’t only have 12 total pictures to pull from.

  4. Expand my entertainment consumption. Confession: I have a Spotify playlist called “New Faves” that hasn’t been updated since the mid-to-late 2010s. Super embarrassing, I know. (In my defence, at least Beyonce is on this list). So since it’s the start of a NEW DECADE, I figure it’s time to widen my consumption of culture and start to include more variety. I want to discover new podcasts, tv shows, books, music, and maybe even movies (if they’re under 2 hours) this year - who knows? Maybe my “new faves” will actually freshen up.

  5. Wear more lipstick. This one might seem odd, but if there’s one weakness that I have when it comes to beauty products, lipstick it is. Nude, pink, fuchsia, berry, matte, glittery, glossy, stain - I own them all. Lipstick is powerful, it’s fun, and it’s a finishing step - it’s the ultimate dose of confidence before setting out the door. So here’s to a 2020 full of powerful pouts and purses brimming with fun.

  6. Zap my single-use plastics/increase my eco-awareness. Thinking about climate change is overwhelming, and I want to continue to do everything I can to educate myself on small things I can do to help. Eliminating single-use plastic is a big goal of mine this year - especially those pesky clingy shopping bags. From keeping reusable bags on me at all times to making my lunch containers 100% reusable, being more eco-aware is a big goal of mine this year.

Looking at this list, it’s clear my 2020 intentions are all about taking a few extra moments and a few extra thoughts, in order to enjoy more, thrive more and live better.

I guess serious intentions aren’t scary after all.

Hello 2018

Alison Pegg

Some 2018 Goals

I wasn’t really sure I wanted to write something like this this year but after reading Grace’s post at The Stripe it inspired me to put keys on a keyboard and express some thoughts.

To be honest, I’m not really sure how I feel about 2017 at this point. For all of the anxiety I felt from the political and social state of the world, I balanced that with travel and discovery, and even managed to check off a bucket list too. I’ll have more peace about 2017 in the coming weeks, but I guess it wasn’t THAT bad.

For 2018, I’m not really sure if the thoughts below are final goals for the year, but that’s something I’m 100 percent okay with. These are just goals that I want to look back and hold myself accountable to, some things that are quasi-public to try and stick to.  

Here goes….

  1. Express Myself // Thoughts of self-expression have been running through my head for the last couple weeks.  I lost myself heavily in my job in November and December, and I think that’s why I’ve been looking for an outlet for me, something I can give myself to. I'm not sure what form this self-expression will take, whether it's in the form of this corner of the internet or another visual or audible medium remains to be seen, but all I know is it's time to give more to me, instead of the alternative. 
  2. Fall in love with a new band // Right now I couldn’t be more stoked for Justin Timberlake’s new album and tour (SO EXCITED!). But it’s been awhile since I’ve discovered an artist that I’ve loved, regardless of when they started on the music scene. Getting lost in a new voice and a new point of view for the first time is something I can’t wait for.
  3. Get out of the country // For good? Probably not. Lately, I’ve been craving culture and diversity and itching to experience both outside of the comfort of the English language. I want to eat like a local, experience art and music in another language, and most of all, just take in the sights, sounds and feeling of a new place.
  4. Nurture my girl squad // One of the greatest treats in 2017 that I was privileged to experience was placement in a women-only peer group full of support and candidness. I forgot the power of positive female relationships, ones that uplift, inspire, and provide so much support. This year I want to continue to practice what I’ve learned from these female relationships and lead others to do the same.
  5. Spend more time in nature // There’s something magical about nature’s air, from the way it invigorates and refreshes, and relaxes and uplifts. Every time I spend even as little as an hour in nature, I always seem to ask my self, “why don’t I do this more often?” This year, it’s time to let nature feed my soul.

Are these it? Who knows. But it feels good to get the above goals out there and work towards achieving them over the next 300 or so days.